
The owners of StarkGuardians are supported by the artificial intelligence-based search engine, which we have developed results such as ASN, Location, Services, Ports and Certificates in the query they will make with the domain names of the projects.

We can say that it is the more detailed and comprehensive version of the Search part. Here, there will be an overview of the projects along with their social media accounts such as twitter-instagram-discord, pros/cons, and a manual in-depth review up to the roadmap and collaborations.

What we plan for the future is the Launchpad platform and the services to be given to the projects that will be launched here. It will include consulting, doxxing, marketing, credit card mint, staking, and more.

For StarkGuardians, ensuring services will be provided for project NFTs that have received a vote of confidence by our communities. More detailed information will be shared soon.

Last updated